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6510 Virginia Parkway | McKinney, TX 75071 • 214.592.8428


Billy Kelley – Quantum Medical Massage and Hypnosis

Suite No.

Suite 203

Suite No.

Suite 203

Salon Hours

Tuesday 9-2, Wednesday 9-9, Thursday 9-2, Friday 3-7, Saturday 12-9, Sunday 9-9


It’s time to completely relax your mind and body.


In 2002 Billy became a Licensed Massage Therapist graduating at the top of his class. His unquenchable thirst for knowledge keeps him at the fore front of new techniques and allows him to keep a fresh upbeat perspective on old worn out problems. He is always continuing his education through books and seminars. Billy was apprenticed in the art of Hypnosis by his Grandmother, Gladys Swanson, at the age of 10, and successfully stopped the severe pain and bleeding from gastric ulcers. His Grandmother Founded Open View Seminars, and utilized Ericksonian Hypnosis , The Silva Method, and Corresponded with Dick Supten on past life regression. From that point forward he has been fascinated with the seemingly untapped power of the mind. He is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, one of the oldest and largest guilds in the world. Always seeking new and more effective techniques, Billy graduated from Dallas Hypnosis Career Training, a state licensed career school that’s training is accepted world-wide. He is a Certified Master Hypnotist, 5 Path Hypnotist, and 7th Path Self Hypnosis Teacher. In September of 2009 he received his certification in Pain Management with Hypnosis from Ron Eslinger, a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. He has furthered his training by taking multiple courses from Igor Ledochowski including ; Conversational Hypnosis, Pain Management, Mind Bending Language, and Street Hypnosis.

Billy has a passion when it comes to learning how to heal yourself naturally. He says-“There is a natural pharmacy in our brain. Imagine what we can do when we learn to control the chemicals we dose ourselves with on a daily basis.” With a holistic understanding of the body, he is able to bring relief to the mind and body.