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6510 Virginia Parkway | McKinney, TX 75071 • 214.592.8428


Cassandra Tantibanchachai

Suite No.

Suite 202

Suite No.

Suite 202

Salon Hours

Sunday and Monday: 12 – 4

Tuesday Thursday: 11 – 5

Friday: 10 – 3



I specialize in post cosmetic manual lymphatic drainage and Medical Massage


After being diagnosed with scoliosis in early 2007, I began seeing a massage therapist to help manage my painful muscle spasms.  With regular massage, my pain significantly decreased so much that I decided to become a massage therapist to help others who suffer from chronic pain.

After a few years in the massage industry, I decided to move to Texas to open my own practice and learn other modalities to decrease chronic pain. Over the years, I have expanded my knowledge in Neuromuscular Therapy, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Medical Massage, Myoskeletal Alignment, Neuromuscular Reprogramming, and Corrective Exercise.

I have never found a more rewarding career than Massage Therapy and will continue helping people as long as I can!


