Immortal Med Spa – Monica Stanton
Suite No.
Suite 132
Suite No.
Suite 132
Salon Hours
Monday – Friday 9-6, Saturday 9-12, Sunday by appointment only. Available for Concierge and Private Events.
I specialize in making my patients “Look as Young as You Feel”
Monica Stanton RN, BSN
I have been a registered nurse for more than 15 years with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing from the University of Texas at Tyler. I am certified by the American Academy of Procedural Medicine and classically trained under a physician specializing in dermatology and plastic surgery. My skills are extensive in ICU, CVICU, Trauma, and care of craniofacial and plastic surgery reconstruction.
My experience with facial anatomy and a sharp aesthetic eye allow me to help my patients achieve a youthful look by enhancing their natural beauty. I am proficient in administration of temporary wrinkle relaxers and smoothers (Botox and Dysport), dermal fillers for volume loss ex: lips and cheeks, soften lines, wrinkles, and folds (Restylane, Juvederm, and Voluma), permanent reduction of fullness created by a double chin (Kybella), and sclerotherapy (spider vein treatment). There is an art to medical aesthetic injections and I make it my passion to be the very best in the industry.
Call, text, or email for your FREE consultation today!
Concierge Services and Private Events available
Preferred Products:
Allergan, Galderma, and Merz