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6510 Virginia Parkway | McKinney, TX 75071 • 214.592.8428


Michelle Valeri

Suite No.

Suite 200

Suite No.

Suite 200

Salon Hours

By appointment only-Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday


Customized solutions to look and feel your best, without relying on topical products, supplements, medication, or needles.


After almost two decades as co-owner of a successful Chiropractic clinic, a divorce (some of the best money ever spent on my happiness and career, just saying) catapulted me into a new life and career. Helping patients restore function and lead healthier lives was a passion that I wanted to continue.

As much as I loved Chiropractic, I still felt there was a healing component missing until I discovered Daoist Chinese medicine…the ultimate game changer for deciphering the clues provided by the body.

Through the years I’ve had the honor of working privately with several Chinese Masters who gifted me with the privilege of learning their Elite Art of Healing – a comprehensive system not shared with the general population or in medical schools. I’ve been asked to share these sacred teachings to help more people heal.

For those ladies seeking an effective and natural approach to dealing with the dreaded changes that menopause thrusts our way, I invite you to consult with me.

Why are we asking men about menopause and hot flashes?

Anyone who tells you that you must learn to live with your menopause symptoms doesn’t understand how the body functions. Period.  Yeah, I said it.


  • Making you feel like you’re going to burst into flames?
  • Causing you to lose sleep?
  • Changing your libido?
  • Have your emotions on a roller coaster ride?
  • Messing with your hormones?
  • Causing you to not look or feel like yourself?

These symptoms are clues from your body letting us know exactly what you need to restore balance and function.  In addition to your lifestyle, the climate where you live, and your stress level, we must also consider:

  • Body Temperature
  • Energy Levels
  • Appetite
  • Thirst
  • Emotions
  • Sleep Patterns
  • Urination
  • Digestive Health
  • Pain or Stiffness

I love taking the hard cases that nobody else can seem to help.  Everything is fixable when you truly understand what the body is saying.  Helping women understand their body and the communication it always provides, allows me to create customized programs for women experiencing menopause symptoms without drugs, supplements, needles, or topical products.

Coaching my clients to take back their health with easy lifestyle tweaks, has allowed me to witness countless miracles ranging from helping suicidal acne clients heal to insecure women realizing it’s truly possible to reverse the signs of aging without products, going under the knife or needles to infertile couples becoming new parents.

These life-changing experiences have positively impacted my personal life, health, and taken my practice to places I never expected.

It is my mission to help 1 million women and girls take control of their health and the way they choose to age while embracing their feminine power with confidence and unconditional self-love.  Living life on their terms, in a healthy way, to avoid falling victim to societal and peer pressures.

To put this plan into motion, I founded the Daoist Wellness Institute (2019) to provide a resource center focused on the body, mind, and spirit of women to embrace their feminine superpowers.  https://www.daoistwellnessinstitute.com/

I began this crusade by educating wellness-focused Estheticians.  I’m not a fan of the spa industry and feel it sets practitioners and clients up for failure with its lack of education about the way the body functions.

This has also led to my latest #1 Best Seller, Betrayal By The Billions (co-authored with 10 of my Rockstar students).

All proceeds from this book are donated to Stronger Women (a domestic violence charity). https://www.amazon.com/Betrayal-Billions-Stories-Industry-Changing/dp/1773160419/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=betrayal%20by%20the%20billions%20book&qid=1689263712&sr=8-1

In 2023, courses expanded to wellness-focused Chiropractic Physicians.

Online mini-classes for Women’s Health Issues are planned to launch February 2024, which will be open to the general public.

To schedule with me, please call or text 469-990-4305 or if you prefer scheduling online https://mvwellness.as.me/schedule.php


